Carmen e Marina
Redeiras | Women fishing-net artisans
A Guarda, (Pontevedra)

O das redeiras é un dos traballos máis feminizados do sector do mar galego, con máis dun 90 % de mulleres. O seu principal reto e tamén a maior preocupación de Carmen e Marina é a falta de relevo xeracional.
Estas dúas atlánticas, que empezaron no oficio con 12 anos, crearon a asociación de redeiras Atalaia en 2005, con 12 mulleres, e desde entón o número non para de minguar.
Ven con tristura que o seu traballo, que desenvolven nunha nave de Portos de Galicia no centro da Guarda, se vai extinguir, a pesar dos esforzos por formar a novos redeiros e redeiras.
As redes que fabrican con destreza estas artesás teñen, na súa meirande parte, un destino internacional. Irlanda, Portugal... son os principais compradores destas redeiras, que lembran canto traballo tiñan antes, cando na zona traballaban a lagosta.
Netting is one of the most feminised jobs in the Galician sea sector, with more than 90% women. Their main challenge and also Carmen and Marina‘s greatest concern is the absence of a generational relay.
These two Atlantic women, who started in the trade at the age of 12, created the Atalaia fishing net association in 2005, with 12 women, and since then their number has not stopped decreasing.
They find it sad to see that their work, which they carry out in a Portos de Galicia warehouse in the centre of A Guarda, is going to end, despite the efforts to train new netters, both male and female.
The nets that these artisans skilfully manufacture have, for the most part, an international destination. Ireland, Portugal... are the main buyers of these netmakers, who remember how much work they had before, when lobster was haily value capture.