Percebeira | Barnacle collector
Baldaio, Carballo (A Coruña)
O percebe é un dos produtos más valiosos do noso mar, un valor que se suma ao das persoas que o capturan entre as rochas.
Valentes como Carmen, unha atlántica que leva toda unha vida traballando como percebeira e á que son as doenzas propias deste oficio ou o parón debido á pandemia da covid os motivos que a afastaron do mar e non os sustos que a sorprenderon máis dunha vez entre auga e rochas na costa de Baldaio.
Goose barnacles are one of the most valuable products of our sea, a value that is added to that of the people who collect them from the rocks.
Valient as Carmen, an Atlantic who has spent her whole life working as a barnacle gatherer and for whom the illnesses typical of this trade or the hiatus due to the covid pandemic are the reasons that kept her away from the sea, not the scares that surprised her more than once in the water and rocks on the coast of Baldaio.