Alicia Aneiros
Enterradora | Undertaker/ gravedigger
Lamas, San Sadurniño (A Coruña)
Alicia empezou neste oficio en setembro de 2019, cando se xubilou o seu pai e decidiu que ía coller o relevo neste traballo.
Con formación en auxiliar de enfermería, exerceu esta profesión dous anos, ata que comezou a traballar no mantemento e limpeza de camposantos, leva once na actualidade; a asistir en enterros e funerais e a tocar a campana en tres parroquias.
Os peores momentos vividos neste traballo foron na pandemia, ao pouco de empezar no oficio, con ata catro enterros nun mesmo día.
Alicia started in this trade in September 2019, when her father retired and she decided she was going to take the job over.
Trained as a nursing assistant, she practiced this profession for two years, until she started working in the maintenance and cleaning of cemeteries. She has been doing it for eleven years up till now; to helping in burials and funerals and in ringing the church bells in three parishes.
Her worst moments experienced in this work were during the pandemic, shortly after starting in the profession, with up to four burials in the same day.