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Cesteira | Basket maker

San Xulián, Portomarín (Lugo)



Un oficio artesán dos de toda a vida, que protagoniza a de Lola desde que recorda.


A cestería é un saber facer antigo, sempre en perigo de desaparecer pero que cobra aires de modernidade, con produtos moi valorados polas grandes firmas de moda e complementos.


A Lola tamén a tentaron, pero a súa resposta foi o non. “Moita demanda de traballo e moi pouco tempo de produción. Non valoran o traballo artesán”.


Goza da vida slow da aldea e traballa por encargo, pero tamén se preocupa de dar continuidade ao oficio impartindo talleres de cestería.


Artesanía de Galicia que brota das mans expertas de mulleres como Lola.

Basketry is said to be the first craft developed by humans, by observing the work of birds making their nests.

A year in year out artisan trade, which has played a main part in Lola's life for as long as she can remember. Basketry is an ancient know-how, always in danger of disappearing but taking on modern looks, producing articles highly valued by major fashion and accessory firms.

Big fashion brands tried to seduce Lola, but she turned them down. “A lot of work demand and very little production time. They don't value artisan work."

She enjoys the slow life of the village and works on commission, but she also cares about giving continuity to the trade by teaching basket-making workshops.

Handicrafts from Galicia that emerge from the expert hands of women like Lola.


Textos: Patricia Villanueva | Tradución inglés: Karen Joan Duncan Barlow

© 2024 by Adrián Baúlde.

© de las fotografías, Adrián Baúlde.

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Cambados - Pontevedra.

Galicia - España.

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