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Cañeira | Firewater maker

Briallos, Portas (Pontevedra)



Esta atlántica é un exemplo de tradición familiar. Despois do seu avó e do seu pai, foi ela quen seguiu co oficio de cañeira, no que se iniciou con tan só 25 anos.


O labor do destilado da augardente foi tradicionalmente reservado aos homes, que se desprazaban ás aldeas e alí permanecían varios días elaborando a “caña”, mentres as mulleres quedaban ao coidado da familia e da vivenda.


Un oficio que, segundo afirma Pilar, terá continuidade na súa filla Miriam, que será xa cuarta xeración.

This Atlantica is an example of a family tradition. After her grandfather and her father, she was the one who continued with the profession of firewater maker, in which she started when she was only 25 years old.

The work of distilling augardente (firewater) was traditionally reserved for men, who travelled to the villages and stayed there for several days making caña (another denomination for firewater), while the women were left to take care of the family and the home.


According to Pilar, this is a profession which will be carried on by her daughter Miriam, who will be the fourth generation of augardente makers.


Textos: Patricia Villanueva | Tradución inglés: Karen Joan Duncan Barlow

© 2024 by Adrián Baúlde.

© de las fotografías, Adrián Baúlde.

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Cambados - Pontevedra.

Galicia - España.

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