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Bombeira forestal | Forest firefighter

Barrantes, Ribadumia (Pontevedra)



Unha muller nun traballo no que ata hai ben pouco os homes eran protagonistas. Ariadna é bombeira forestal na zona de Pontevedra e realiza labores de prevención de incendios. Adora o seu traballo, pero pon por diante que hai que terlle moito respecto ao lume.


A este oficio de bombeira chegou por vocación de servizo, despois de traballar no negocio familiar de panadería e nunha tenda de telefonía.

A woman in a job in which, until recently, men were the protagonists. Ariadna is a forest firefighter in the Pontevedra area and performs fire prevention work. She loves her work, but she points out that you have to have a lot of respect for fire.

She came to this profession as a firefighter because of a vocation of public service, after working in the family bakery business and in a telephone shop.


Textos: Patricia Villanueva | Tradución inglés: Karen Joan Duncan Barlow

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