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Angélica e Bárbara

Bateeiras | Mussel rafters

A Illa de Arousa, (Pontevedra)



A vinculación de Galicia co mexillón é un feito que se remite ao século VIII a. C. cando as poboacións celtas aproveitaban a baixamar para recoller este produto, como o amosan as cunchas deste e outros moluscos atopados no exterior dos castros.


O cultivo na batea é un oficio duro cunha gran tradición no sector do mar galego. Aínda que a mecanización permitiu mellorar as condicións deste traballo, segue a ter un importante compoñente manual.


Angélica e Bárbara aprenderon o oficio do seu pai e cada día saen os tres a traballar na batea para cultivar, coidar e extraer este produto galego con Denominación de Orixe.

The association of Galicia with the mussel is a fact that goes back to the 8th century BCE when the primitive inhabitants took advantage of the low tide to collect this product, as shown by the shells of this and other molluscs found outside the forts.

Mussel cultivation in the batea (raft) is a hard job with a great tradition in the Galician sea sector. Although mechanisation has made it possible to improve the conditions of this work, it still has an important manual component.

Angélica and Bárbara learned from their father's trade and every day the three of them go out to work in the raft to cultivate, care for and extract this Galician product with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO).


Textos: Patricia Villanueva | Tradución inglés: Karen Joan Duncan Barlow

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