Saínza Seivane
Luthier de gaitas tradicionais
Cecebre, Cambre (A Coruña)
Luthier of traditional bagpipes
Falar da familia Seivane en Galicia está asociado ao son da gaita.
Neste caso, das mans de Saínza agroma o instrumento. É a única muller en Galicia que traballa este oficio, unha pioneira que herdou esta paixón e a destreza coa madeira do seu avó, Xosé Manuel Seivane, que construíu a primeira gaita en 1939, e que é o primeiro dunha das sagas de artesáns e músicos máis prestixiosa do noso país.
Unha saga á que deron continuidade as súas netas Saínza, no obradoiro; e Susana, famosa gaiteira e instrumentista.
To talk about the Seivane family in Galicia is associated with the sound of the bagpipes. In this case, in the hands of Saínza the instrument grows. She is the only woman in Galicia who works in this trade, a pioneer who inherited this passion and skill with wood from her grandfather, Xosé Manuel Seivane, who made the first bagpipes in 1939, and the first of one of the most important lineages of artisans and musicians in our country.
A lineage that was carried on by his granddaughters: Saínza, in the workshop, and Susana, famous bagpiper and instrumentalist.