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Teresa Taboada

Confección de traxes tradicionais galegos

Lalín, (Pontevedra)



Bespoke tailor in traditional Galician costumes

Teresa iniciouse na costura con 17 anos, da man dunha familiar. Ansiaba continuar estudando, pero lembra que naquel tempo as oportunidades non eran as mesmas para homes e mulleres.


Así foi. O seu irmán estudou e ela aprendeu o oficio de modista. Cos anos foise especializando e é toda unha experta na confección das diferentes pezas que compoñen o traxe tradicional galego, contribuíndo a preservar esta vestimenta.

Teresa started sewing at the age of 17, with the help of a female relative. She longed to carry on with her studies, but she remembers that at that time the opportunities were not the same for men and women.

That's how it went. Her brother studied and she learned the dressmaker's trade. Over the years she turned to becoming specialised and is an expert in the making of the different items that are part of the traditional Galician costume, helping to preserve these garments.


Textos: Patricia Villanueva | Tradución inglés: Karen Joan Duncan Barlow

© 2024 by Adrián Baúlde.

© de las fotografías, Adrián Baúlde.

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Cambados - Pontevedra.

Galicia - España.

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